Saturday, November 30, 2019
Wolf Controversy an Example by
Wolf Controversy Introduction & Thesis There has been a lot of controversy over the reintroduction of the wolf into certain native parts of the United States including areas in the North West such as Yellowstone National Park. The reason for this controversy will be explored and two sides of the equation will be introduced in this paper. The support of this paper will be that wolves should be reintroduced to their native environment as part of the balance of the ecosystem in a predator prey ratio. Need essay sample on "Wolf Controversy" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Body The wolf has been a long member of the Yellowstone National Park until recent events in the past several decades had warded off the parks authorities from allowing it to be in the park. The scare of the wolf is that it is a predatory animal and does not discriminate its prey from bear, fox, or human child. The wolfs man enemy is man. With the controversy of whether or not to reintroduce wolves into the park, the main components which opposed this project were ranchers whose farms surrounded the park, and whose livestock were prey to this beast (Bales paragraph One). What further aggravated the situation was the fact that the Grey wolf (the main predatory wolf in the Park and in the Rockies) was protected under the Endangered Species Act thus making it illegal for the ranchers to protect their livestock from the wolf, a person could be punished with up to a $100,000 fine and up to 1 year in jail for killing a wolf (Bales Paragraph Two). With this food source so readily available and r anchers being unable to legally kill a wolf, the controversy over the wolfs return to the park is a major issue. Even in Yellowstone National Park however there were laws at its inception which favored the more docile creatures and left the main predators a source of fear, as Bales states, In the year 1916 the National Parks Service started to eliminate all predators in Yellowstone National Park, which meant killing 136 wolves, 13,000 coyotes, and every single mountain lion. By 1939 this program was shut down, but all the wolves were long gone before that (Bales Paragraph Four). This meant that during this time period the population of the wolf drastically dropped. It is because of this reason that the reintroduction of the wolf into the wild is such an important issue. Without the natural balance of predator and prey the harmony of the environment will suffer which will cause and influx of other unnatural disasters. These disasters can include overpopulation of the prey source without a natural predator to curb the race, large numbers of deer and other prey animals will overrun the park and th e surrounding areas causing other types of devastation. With the above stated facts about overpopulation the idea of reintroduction of the wolf into the wild began a project through the Fish and Wildlife Services. The three areas where the wolf would be reintroduce were Montana, Yellowstone and the central part of Idaho (Bales Paragraph Five). For this project the Fish and Wildlife Services decided that, The recovery goal for the Grey Wolf was ten breeding pairs per area, which meant ten packs of ten wolves, or 100 total. With the release of the 1987 plan, a lot of opposition was raised (Bales Paragraph Five). With the introduction of wolves being actively sought for these areas a lot of planning had to be involved to properly acclimate the wolves into these one native lands, For the first time in 70 years, the howl of the Grey Wolf is being heard throughout Yellowstone Park (Sanders, 2000). In January of 1995, 14 wolves from separate packs in Canada were trapped and transported to Yellowstone. Once in the park the wolves were placed in one acre acclimation pens. In total there were three pens scattered across the northern portion of Yellowstone: one a Crystal Creek, another at Rose Creek, and the last at Soda Butte. During the wolves time spent in these pens they were fed winter kill, or road kill. The packs that were formed in these pens were released in the winters of 1995-1996 and also again in 1996-1997 for a second release period (Sanders, 2000). In 1995 fourteen wolves were released and in 1996 seventeen were released. In 1997 there were 64 pups born and since 1995, 33 wolves have died in the Yellowstone area (Bales Paragraph Six). As has been mentioned prior the main opposition of the wolf into the wild again has come mainly, and strongly from the ranchers whose livestock surround the area where the wolf has been released. In order to better understand the viewpoint of the ranchers opposition a little bit about the eating habits of the wolf is necessary to know. The wolf is a predatory animal. Thus, it will hunt prey that is the easiest to capture, kill and eat. Most of the ranchers who are surrounding the areas where the wolf is reintroduced to have the following animals: Cows, horses, sheep, or goats. All of these animals are a very easy prey for the wolf and thus, the wolf does not have to hunt as hard to find and kill these animals, and thus, the wolf has found a smorgasbord of food readily available and with minimal effort to hunt. These factors keep the wolf coming back continually to the ranchers farms and attacking the ranchers animals, From 1995 to 1998 there have been 9 head of cattle and 132 sheep killed by wolves. The wolves that have killed livestock were mainly traveling from Canada to Yellowstone, across Montana. From 1987 to 1997 Defenders of Wildlife have paid $42,000 for 62 cattle and 141 sheep that have been lost to wolves. Many environmentalists feel that ranchers will kill off all of the introduced wolves. Only two wolves have died legally, while seven have died of unknown causes (Bales Paragraph Seven). As part of the controversy over this reintroduction in 1997 there was a lot of court cases involving what to do with the wolves because of the ranchers complaint. The judge who was ruling over the case decided on three separate actions: to return the wolves to Canada, to kill them, to give them to zoos. None of these actions however were taken and nothing about the wolves was done (Bales Paragraph Eight). The final debate over the wolf controversy was to have the wolves put in state control by passing laws to Congress. The first state to do this was Wyoming who stated and was supported by the Fish, Wildlife and Parks that the wolf should be considered a predatory species and as such should be hunted freely outside of reserves, parks and private property. This law came across to the environmentalist as contradictory to the reason the wolf had to be reintroduced into the wild in the first place since the reason the population had suffered was from over killing. Thus, Wyomings law seems counterproductive (Bales Paragraph Ten). It would seem then that the Fish and Wildlife Services was successful in reintroducing the wolf into the wild, however, the controversy over this issue, whether or not the state should take control over the situation, and what to do with the wolves and the ranchers is still an issue that has had no closure. A clear look at the facts must be considered in this issue. For instance while the controversy of the wolves and the ranchers is a great concern another fact that has not been mentioned is that, Although wolves killed 500 sheep in Montana in 2003, coyotes killed 11,800, and disease, weather, eagles, bears, and foxes each proved to be greater threats to livestock (The Journal of Young Investigators Paragraph Seven). This fact is seemingly invisible when it comes to the opposing side of wolves being reintroduced into the wild. Another interesting fact is that in the debate over the cruelty of wolves and their monstrous appetites to fed on the ranchers livestock, In a Defenders of Wildlife press release about a July meeting in Albuquerque to discuss the reintroduction of the Mexican gray wolf, Fred Galley, owner of Rayny Mesa Ranch, described an attack in which wolves grabbed a cow and "proceeded to eat on her till she bled to death." At the same meeting, Jane Ravenwolf of Sandia Park asked why death by wolves is more reprehensible than death by slaughterhouse, a question many wolf activists share. (The Journal of Young Investigators Paragraph Eight-Ten). Conclusion It is in this final statement that the debate of reintroducing the wolf should be focused; the wolf is a predatory animal, and as such the death toll of the wolf as compared to the coyote is outstandingly small. With this information it must be stated that the wolf should not be in the hands of the state as the state would want to issue laws in which the wolf would be once again hunted to the brink of distinction. Thus, the reintroduction of the wolf to the wild is necessary as it will keep population of other prey animals to a manageable level. The issue over whether or not the reintroduction of the wolf into the wild should be under the law of the state is ludicrious. As mentioned prior, the state would allow the hunting of the wolf, mainly by ranchers no doubt, until its numbers dropped to a dangerous level, and this time around there may not be any species left to put on the endangered species list. Work Cited Bales, J. The Yellowstone Wolf Controversy. Online. Fitzgerald, J. FWP Compiles Varied Views of Wolf Future. Billings Gazette. 28 March 2003. The Journal of Young Investigators. Restoration or Destruction: The Controversy Over Wolf Reintroduction. Online. Retrieved 15 November 2007. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Wolf Management. April 2003. Online. Sinay, K. Wolf Reintroduction has had Positive Economic Impacts, Too. Yellowstone Safari Company, Bozeman Chronicle, 26 January 2003.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Charles de Gaulles Impact on Frances Re-emergence as a Great Nation essays
Charles de Gaulles Impact on Frances Re-emergence as a Great Nation essays Few individuals in history have had such a profound impact on the destiny of a nation as Charles de Gaulle, who from the time of his heroic refusal to accept the humiliating defeat of the French in 1940 at the hands of the rampaging Germans, to his resignation of the Presidency in 1969, symbolized French independence and guided his countrys re-emergence as a great nation. It may come as a surprise to those who are unfamiliar with French history that de Gaulle was just a colonel in the French Army at the start of Second World War. But he was no ordinary colonel, a fact that was belatedly recognized by the French government when, amidst the military debacle of May-June 1940, he was given command of the 4th Armored Division1, and then appointed as the undersecretary of defense just before the complete capitulation of the French government. Hence, it was only with a tenuous mandate to represent the French nation2 that de Gaulle made his famous call in a BBC radio broadcast on June 18, 1940 to his countrymen for resistance against the Germans. Given the ground realities at the time, De Gaulles appeal may have appeared quixotic, but his refusal to accept the armistice was, in the words of Pierre Manent, the decision from which the whole Gaullist epic sprang. (Manent, 202) In Frances darkest hour, de Gaulles defiance, gave faith and hope to his fellow Frenc hmen who had fallen into despair. From his exile in London, de Gaulle then set about doggedly lobbying for acceptance of Frances sovereignty by the Allied powers. He also single-handedly galvanized the expatriate Frenchmen, and the French resistance inside France, to join him in his fight against Nazi Germany by forming the Free French movement. During 1940-44, de Gaulle never compromised on the independence of his actions and by his unflinching will and sense of honor made himself the embodiment of the French state its...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Top 5 Hottest Jobs With The Most Potential for 2017
Top 5 Hottest Jobs With The Most Potential for 2017 As the New Year approaches, maybe it’s also time for a new you? Or maybe just a new work you? If you’re looking for a career change, one of these five buzzy jobs could be the one for you. 1. Survey ResearchDid you know that 4 out of 5 survey researchers recommend this career path? If you think you could be the next Nate Silver, then helping companies surf the numbers to find patterns and predict trends might be the right path for you.This is a pretty highly skilled area (you’d likely need a master’s degree and a background in statistics, sociology, and business), but it’s lucrative (it has a $45,050 median salary for 2017) and expected to grow 18 percent by 2022, per the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Survey says†¦look into it!2. Software App DeveloperOkay, so for every developer who sells an app for $15 million and retires to a condo in Silicon Valley, there are hundreds of developers who have more of an everyday software career. But if you go in this direction, it could be you who comes up with the next Candy Crush.This is definitely a wave-of-the-future career, with more hands needed on deck all the time to create, develop, and maintain software applications. With a Bachelor’s degree and some hands-on coding and programming experience, app developers can make a median salary of $90,000. That’s a lot of Candy Crush boosters, no? Plus, the field is growing like gangbusters: in fewer than 10 years, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics expects 23 percent growth.3. Travel AgentFull disclosure: I wasn’t even aware until recently that travel agents are still a thing. How is this possible, when we do everything over the internet now? Fact is, travel agents have not only adapted to the growing tech and self-service parts of travel, they have positioned themselves as travel ambassadors. You might not walk into a storefront full of fake palm trees anymore and have someone phone the airline to book your ticke t, but a travel agent (often someone who works from home on a freelance basis) can help you navigate for a better deal and manage booking arrangements on your behalf. Travel agents today have an average salary of $56,000- not to mention a suite of sweet travel perks.4. Physician AssistantJobs in the medical sector are always a great bet- as immortal as we may think we are, we all need healthcare at some point. Physicians’ assistants are especially in demand right now, as they’re increasingly used to fill gaps caused by doctor and nurse shortages.These jobs typically require a two-year training program and a certification, and have a median salary of $74,980. The field is expected to grow a whopping 27 percent in 2017.5. Veterinary TechniciansJust before Black Friday, I got an email from a major pet store chain (which shall remain nameless) telling me to shop now for gifts to â€Å"surprise your pet for the holidays.†Pretty much everything surprises my dog, so I can’t say I spent much at that store. However, it showed me how the pet industry has become Serious Business. Someone who tries hard to surprise his cat with the perfect holiday gift is likely also someone who takes good care of said cat, and wants quality veterinary care.If you like animals (even the less cuddly ones) and are willing to take a 1-2 year training program, you could be the one providing that care. The median salary for vet techs is $27,750, but what it lacks in gold watches, it more than makes up for in puppy cuddles. Or snake cuddles. Whatever floats your boat. Either way, it’s a solid career path with lots of growth potential (41% projected by 2022).Whether you jump right into a new career or take a few classes to get started, 2017 could be a major turning point for your professional life. Think outside the resume, and you might find the exact right opportunity for yourself.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Copleys Governor and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin and Watson and the Shark Essay
Copleys Governor and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin and Watson and the Shark - Essay Example The essay "Copley’s Governor and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin and Watson and the Shark" analyzes paintings of John Singleton Copley, Governor and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin and Watson and the Shark. Copley represents Mifflin’s role in this debate with a form of commemoration for the subject’s position as the first Pennsylvania governor after the liberation of the colonies. Copley’s 1778 portrait â€Å"Watson and the Shark†also has symbols alluding to aspects of the American Revolution through its highly expressive style. Plainly, viewers can say Copley wanted to commemorate a dramatic event wherein Brook Watson lost his foot (Pinder 186). However, a deeper meaning is an implicit allusion to the War of Independence. More specifically, the painting shows colonists as brave men as they physically struggle against a killer shark, another symbolic allusion to the British. The 1773 painting symbolically reveals Mr. Mifflin’s political beliefs. Mifflin was a trade r against taxes imposed on British commodities. Among the American Revolution’s key objectives was to resist paying duties imposed on commodities from England and encouraging other colonists to follow suit. At the same time, Mrs. Mifflin conveys a clear message about the political atmosphere in America during the revolution. Mrs. Mifflin has a unique attractive fringe that shows her intention to boycott English commodities and rather create her own. Sarah Mifflin uses her right hand and a loom held in place by a blue ribbon to lace the threads.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Define the term culturally competent organisation and elaborate what Essay
Define the term culturally competent organisation and elaborate what actions could be taken by the organisation to increase its cultural competency - Essay Example This is more relevant in service sectors, especially the health care industry. One must appreciate the uniqueness of health care industry before proceeding further. A healthcare professional needs to strike an equation with the patient before any meaningful healthcare can take place since, matching of frequency in thought, feelings and culture is essential for the patient to really start trusting a professional nurse. Unless this trust is developed and nurtured, any hope of speedy recovery can be safely forgotten. The only way such trust can take roots is through cultural compatibility. The patient must feel completely â€Å"at home†for medicines to start taking effect. (Sue, D.W. & Sue, D, 1990) A culturally competent healthcare institution accepts the difference that exists among different cultures and races and not only respects that difference but also adapts itself to serve all those who come from diverse cultures. The first step towards becoming a culturally competent healthcare organisation is to engage in deep research about different cultures and taking professional assistance from persons who are experts in the nuances of these cultures and ethnic groups. The results and findings of these researches need to be circulated in an easily intelligible format among all the healthcare professionals in the organisation so that each one of them gets the opportunity of equipping themselves to face challenges of cultural diversity. But a culturally competent organisation not only tries to adapt itself to diverse cultures of those whom they serve. They also induct such cultural diversity within their ranks by employing people from diverse cultures so that it becomes almost natural for the organisation to automatically adapt to practices prevalent in far off countries. (Cross, T.L., B.J. Bazron, K.W. Dennis, and M.R. Isaccs, 1983) Such a constructive approach towards overcoming the barrier
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Porter Five Forces Analysis Essay Example for Free
Porter Five Forces Analysis Essay The entrenched position of the Indian market leaders in IT industry like TCS, Infosys, Wipro, CTS, Tech Mahindra; The changing environment demands fresh thinking to gain the cutting edge advantage. This paper attempts to look at the various macro and micro environmental factors operating in the industry using. The model of strategic analysis by Michael Porter, i. e. to analyse the bargaining power of buyers and suppliers, the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, intensity of rivalry, impact of technological changes, growth and volatility of the market and the influence of government and regulatory interventions. These variables affecting the industry have been categorised as favourable or adverse depending on the influence on the profitability of the industry. Some strategic initiatives, which can be adopted, to leverage the favorable forces and prevent the adverse ones have been identified. This paper attempts to analyse the various macro and micro environmental factors operating in the industry to provide a basis for devising strategy. IT INDUSTRY OVERVIEW INTRODUCTION India IT industry is one of the world’s successful information technology industries. Measured by the age of many industries, the IT industry in India is still in its infancy. Yet its growth and development has caught the attention of the world so much so that India is now being identified as the major powerhouse for incremental development of computer software. The reason for this attention is not the actual size of the industry but its rapid growth rate over the nineties and subsequent decade. It has grown from US $ 150million (source: NASSCOM) in 1991-92 to US $ 64 billion in year 2008. The industry’s contribution to India’s GDP has grown significantly from 1. % in 1999-2000 to around 5% in FY06, and has been estimated to cross 5. 5% in FY2010. The sector has been growing at an annual rate of 28% per annum since FY01. The Indian IT industry can be mainly categorised into following sectors IT services, IT enabled services and BPO, Research Development, Software Product and Hardware. IT INDUSTRY PERFORMANCE The size of the Indian IT industry, according to NASSCOM, is US$ 64 billion as of year 2008. It has been growing with an annual rate of 28% since 2001. The Indian IT industry can be broadly divided into two markets: domestic market and exports market. The elements of each of the above forces and the extent and /or effect of each element in the context of the IT industry have been analysed and enumerated below. Porter’s framework, however, does not address three important variables variables-Government and Regulatory Interventions, Technological Changes, and Growth and Volatility of Market Demand. These variables have been included in the model proposed by George Day (Day, 1990), which evolved from Porter’s model and have been analysed in this study study. Aparna Parthasarathy –PGXPM 05-Term5 Page 5 Strategic Management – Industry Analysis Assignment 2009  Degree of rivalry denotes the intensity of competition within the industry. As the industry is still in its growth stage, there is enough room for expansion for existing players and new entrants. With the entry of many multinational companies (MNC) are opening their operations in India to leverage the low cost advantage provided by India, has increased the completion ratio (CR) of the industry. Also as there is no huge capital investment required to start a new company, the industry see a very large numbers of small and medium-size companies operating in a niche market. Presence of such large number of players has made the industry as one of the most competitive industry in the market. : High Commoditized Offerings low-cost, little differentiation high industry growth Strong Competitors Few number of large companies Numerous or equally balanced competitors Lack of differentiation or switching costs Capacity augmented in large increments High strategic stakes EXHIBIT:  Aparna Parthasarathy –PGXPM 05-Term5 Page 6 Strategic Management – Industry Analysis Assignment 2009  We choose the top 3 IT companies from above pie chart for the analysis. Predicting what will come in an industry that evolves on an almost daily basis is a thankless and almost futile task. Things change at such a rapid rate, and many of the technologies are so fluid, that a shift in direction can occur in weeks rather than months. If we think that todays Internet and e-commerce opportunities are technically advanced, we have not seen anything yet. Not only will the existing uses of the Internet get more and more advanced, but new ways will be found to exploit the opportunities it provides. The delivery of these services will not just be dependant on new formats and programming, but also on the mediums that deliver them. For this to happen, certain changes will need to take place, not just technological, but legal as well. Protection of consumers needs to be examined, as well as
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Environmental Ethics Essay -- Ecology Environment Nature Essays
Environmental Ethics      It is a strong belief of mine that the responsibility of protecting the environment is much greater on today’s generation than is was for past generations. The reason that I feel the way that I do is because at this point a substantial amount of damage has already been done and in order to prevent any further environmental destruction intervention on our part is necessary. After all, we (humans) are the main cause of the problems; shouldn’t we also be a part of the cure. If we had always taken the environment into consideration prior to our actions we would not be faced with some of the environmental issues we are facing today. The problem started with the past generations but the solution now has to start with us. We have to be overly conscious of our actions and what affect they will have on future generations. Since we enjoy the rights to breathe fresh air, play in the sun, live among a vast variety of plant and wildlife, then shouldn’t our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and their grandchildren, also have the chance to enjoy those same rights? My answer to that question is yes they do! We owe that to them so we all have to take a stand for our values, morals, ethics and actions regarding the preservation of a healthy and rich natural environment.      The responsibilities for past generation regarding the environment was no less than ours today however, the differences are that we are now stuck with the job of correcting the mistakes of past generations, then the population was much smaller than it is today and will be in the future and more people equals potentially more pollution. I can compare this situation to one of a student who starts a class with all A’s and all he needs is to get a passing grade on the final and he will end up with a least a B for the class, verses a student who starts off the class with low B’s and C’s on his tests who will need to get a high B low A to just pass the class with a C. We are the B, C, student who needs an A just to pass the class with a C. It would be easier for us and less of an emergency if only our past generations would have taken us into the same consideration that we are now trying to for our future generations. It is my assumption that It wil l be easier for the future generations to maintain a healthy natural environment than to have to repair a damaged one. ... ...e else who may be going the same place I try to ride the bus to work or into town when ever I can. I am much more conscious of when and where I drive my car. I feel that I am at an advantage since I live in a big city where I don’t necessarily need to drive in order to get where I need to go I have plenty of options and I have started to use them.      In conclusion I understand how important it is to preserve and protect the natural environment. I feel that we owe it to future generations to take measures so that they can potentially live somewhat happy healthy lives. The measures that we take today to protect the environment will affect us tomorrow and them a lot further down the line. I am willing to take responsibility for my actions today so that tomorrows generations both human and non human can thrive. I am grateful for the organizations like the Earth Day Organization that work to bring environmental issues awareness to everyone. If everyone would simply try to take the smallest measures to preserve and protect our environment I believe it will result in large results. References: Joseph R. Des Jardins, Wadsworth / Thomson Learning. Environmental Ethics 2001.
Monday, November 11, 2019
POS system
Helene Hernandez (College Instructor) (College College Instructor) Instructor) General Problem: Mister Boron's Fast Food is having difficulty in manually dealing with the customers in terms of ordering, payments, generating reports and maintaining their inventory. Specific Problems: 1 . Is the cashier easily and accurately computes the bills especially when dealing with huge number of customers? 2. And how long did employees check their stocks? 3. Does Mister Boron's Fast Food provides official receipt to customers? 4.Are their sales report accurate? . How do the customers wait for their orders? General Objective To provide a system that will automate the process in dealing with the customers in terms of ordering, payments, generating reports and maintaining their inventory. Specific Objectives 1 . To provide a system that will make the computation of bills faster and more accurate. 2. To provide a system that will allow the customers to have a receipt in every transaction. 3. To pro vide a system that will maintain the inventory easier and faster. . To provide a database that will store records for generating reports. 5. To provide a queuing management that will help customers. Features 1 . The system will notify if the stocks are insufficient. 2. Easy to use interface for the cashier. 3. The system can be easily updated when there are changes in the price of the meals. 4. The system will provide accurate weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports of sales. 5. Easily update the menu. 6. It shows the time started and time ended of the cashier. 7.Admit, manager, cashier and owner will have their own accounts and privileges 8. A separate monitor will show the queuing of costumers 9. It will provide a receipt with the name of the cashier, time and date of transaction, queue number and Official Receipt (O. R. ) number. 10. The cashier will have a touch screen monitor to easily input orders. 11. Receipts will be given right after the transaction using a POS printe r 12. A monitor inside the kitchen will show the queue numbers with the orders of the customers to know which order they will prioritize.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Invention and Tradition
Adaptations are widespread and universal. Adaptation problems – content, structure, and intertextual politics. Hutcheon wishes to consider adaptations as lateral, not vertical. One does not experience adaptations successively starting from the original work, rather the works are a large collection to be navigated. One might see an adaptation before the original. Hutcheon also wishes to view adaptations as adaptations, not as independent works. Three ways of story engagement: telling, showing, and interactivity. Adaptations also dominate their own media.The most heavily awarded films are adaptations. Hutcheon suggests that the pleasure of adaptation from the perspective of the consumer comes from a simple repetition of a beloved story with variation. To borrow Michael Alexander’s term, adaptations are palimpsestuous works, works that are haunted by their adapted texts. Hutcheon wishes to avoid resorting to fidelity criticism, which originates in the (often false) idea th at the adapters wish to reproduce the adapted text. There are many reasons why adapters may wish to adapt, which can be as much to critique as to pay homage.There are three dimensions to looking at adaptations: as a formal entity or a product, as a process of creation, or as a process of reception. Adaptation is simultaneously a process and a product. Hutcheon distinguishes between adaptations and sequels and fanfiction. Sequels and fanfiction are means of not wishing a story to end. This is a different goal than the recreation done by adapting a work. There is a legal term to define adaptations as â€Å"derivative works†, but this is complex and problematic. Adaptation commits a literary heresy that form (expression) and content (ideas) can be separated.To any media scholar, form and content are inextricably tied together, thus, adaptations provide a major threat and challenge, because to take them seriously suggests that form and content can be somehow taken apart. This rai ses another difficult question: what is the content of an adaptation? What is it that is actually adapted? One might consider this to be the â€Å"spirit†or â€Å"tone†of a work. Adapting a work to be faithful to the spirit may justify changes to the letter or structure in the adaptation. In my perspective, the content of adaptations is (or should be) the world of the adapted text.Hutcheon specifically addresses videogames and how they engage in activity beyond problem solving. She suggests that if a film has a 3 act structure, then gameplay is only the second act. Excluding the introduction and the resolution, gameplay is tied up with solving problems and working to resolve conflicts. Games adapt a heterocosm: â€Å"What gets adapted here is a heterocosm, literally an â€Å"other world†or cosmos, complete, of course, with the stuff of a story–settings, characters, events, and situations. †(p. 14) A game adaptation shares a truth of coherence w ith the adapted text.The format may require a point of view change (for example, in the Godfather game, where the player takes on the role of an underling working his way up). Other novels are not easily adapted because the novel focuses on the â€Å"res cogitans†, the thinking world, as opposed to the world of action. This is a point that I would disagree with Hutcheon’s assessment, I think that even the thinking world of a novel abides by rules and mechanics, that these mechanics may be simulated or expressed computationally, but they may not be suited to the conventions of action and spatial navigation popular in games right now.Hutcheon notes that some works have a greater propensity for adaptation than others, or are more â€Å"adaptogenic†(Groensteen’s term). For instance, melodramas are more readily adapted into operas and musicals, and one could extend that argument to describe how effects films tend to get adapted into games. This may be due to the fact that there are genre conventions that might be common to both media. Adaptation may be seen as a product or a process, the product oriented perspective treats it as a translation (in various senses), or as a paraphrase. The product oriented perspective is dependent on a particular interpretation.As a process, it is a combination of imitation (mimesis) and creativity. Unsuccessful adaptations often fail (commercially) due to a lack of creativity on behalf of the adapters. There is a process of both imitating and creating something entirely new, but in order to create a successful adaptation, one must make the text one’s own. There is an issue of intertextuality when the reader is familiar with the original text. But there can become a corpus of adaptations, where the subsequent works are adaptations of the earlier ones, rather than the adapted text itself. This as been the case of texts which have had prolific series of adaptations, such as Dracula films (Hutcheonâ₠¬â„¢s example), as well as Jane Austen’s works. These works are â€Å"multilaminated†, they are referential to other texts, and these references form part of the text’s identity, as a node within a network of connected texts. A final dimension is the reader’s engagement, their immersion. Readers engage with adaptations with different mdoes of engagement. â€Å"Stories, however, do not consist only of the material means of their transmission (media) or the rules that structure them (genres).Those means and those rules permit and then channel narrative expectations and communicate narrative meaning to someone in some context, and they are created by someone with that intent. †(p. 26) Adaptations are frequently â€Å"indigenized†into new cultures. When texts supply images to imageless works, they permanantly change the reader’s experience of the text. For example, due to the films, we now know what a game of Quiddich looks like (and du e to the games, we now can know tactics and strategies), or what Tolkien’s orcs look like.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A History of the Napoleonic Code (Code Napoléon)
A History of the Napoleonic Code (Code Napolà ©on) The Napoleonic Code (Code Napolà ©on) was a unified legal code produced in post-revolutionary France and enacted by Napoleon in 1804. Napoleon gave the laws his name, and they largely remain in place in France today. They also heavily influenced world laws in the 19th century. It is easy to imagine how the conquering Emperor could spread a legal system across Europe, but it might have surprised many of his day to know long it outlasted him. The Need for Codified Laws France in the century before the French Revolution may have been a single country, but it was far from a homogenous unit. As well as language and economic differences, there was no single unified set of laws that covered the whole of France. Instead, there were large geographic variations, from the Roman Law which dominated in the south, to a Frankish/Germanic Customary Law which dominated in the north around Paris. Add to this the canon law of the church which controlled some affairs, a mass of royal legislation which had to be considered when looking at legal problems, and the effects of local laws derived from parlements or appellate courts and trials, and there was a patchwork which was very difficult to negotiate, and which stimulated a demand for a universal, equitable set of laws. However, there were plenty of people in positions of local power, often in venal offices, who worked to prevent any such codification, and all attempts to do so before the revolution failed. Napoleon and the French Revolution The French Revolution acted as a brush that swept away a mass of local differences in France, including many of the powers that stood against codifying the laws. The result was a country in a position to- in theory- create a universal code. And it was a place that really needed one. The Revolution went through various phases, and forms of government- including Terror- but by 1804 was under the control of General Napoleon Bonaparte, the man who appeared to have decided the French Revolutionary Wars in France’s favor. Glory Beyond the Battlefield Napoleon wasn’t just a man hungry for battlefield glory; he knew a state had to be built to support both him and a renewed France. Most important was to be a law code that bore his name. Attempts to write and enforce a code during the revolution had failed, and Napoleon’s achievement in forcing it through was massive. It also reflected glory back onto him: He was desperate to be seen as more than a general who took charge, but as the man who brought a peaceful end to the revolution, and establishing a legal code was a massive boost to his reputation, ego, and ability to rule. The Code Napolà ©on The Civil Code of the French People was enacted in 1804 across all the regions France then controlled: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, chunks of Germany and Italy, and was later spread further across Europe. In 1807, it became known as the Code Napolà ©on. It was supposed to be written fresh, and based on the idea that a law based on common sense and equality should replace one based on custom, societal division, and the rule of kings. The moral justification for its existence was not that it came from God or a monarch (or in this case an emperor), but because it was rational and just. A Compromise Between Old and New All male citizens were supposed to be equal, with nobility, class, a position of birth all wiped away. But in practical terms, much of the revolution’s liberalism was lost and France turned back to Roman law. The code did not extend to emancipating women, who were subjugated to fathers and husbands. Freedom and the right of private property were key, but branding, easy imprisonment, and limitless hard labor returned. Non-whites suffered, and slavery was allowed in French colonies. In many ways, the Code was a compromise of the old and the new, favoring conservatism and traditional morality. Written as Several Books The Napoleonic Code was written as several Books, and although it was written by teams of lawyers, Napoleon was present at nearly half of the Senate discussions. The first book dealt with laws and people, including civil rights, marriage, relationships, including those of parent and child, etc. The second book concerned laws and things, including property and ownership. The third book tackled how you went about getting and modifying your rights, such as inheritance and through marriage. More codes followed for other aspects of the legal system: 1806’s Code of Civil Procedure; 1807’s Commercial Code; 1808’s Criminal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure; 1810’s Penal Code. Still in Place The Napoleonic Code has been modified, but essentially remains in place in France, two centuries after Napoleon was defeated and his empire dismantled. It is one of his most lasting achievements in a country in thrall to his rule for a turbulent generation. However, it was only in the latter half of the 20th century that laws were altered to reflect equality to women. Wide Influence After the Code was introduced in France and nearby areas, it spread across Europe and into Latin America. Sometimes a straight translation was used, but other times large changes were made to fit local situations. Later Codes also looked to Napoleon’s own, such as the Italian Civil Code of 1865, although this was replaced in 1942. In addition, laws in Louisiana’s civil code of 1825 (largely still in place), derive closely from the Napoleonic Code. However, as the 19th century turned into the 20th, new civil codes in Europe and around the world rose to reduce the importance of France’s, although it still has an influence.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A strategic analysis of jetblue airways
A strategic analysis of jetblue airways The US airline industry trends have caused airline companies, including Jet Blue to struggle for survival. Retirement has caused a shortage of pilots and instructors. Flying schools experience less instructors and hours needed to train new pilots. In 2008, crude oil prices increased to a record $140 per barrel (Thompson, Strickland, federal employees were tasked to handle all airport security. Increased screening for baggage and passengers, size limits on fluids and x-ray inspections. With the additional security measures, came financial burdens to the airline industry. Jet Blue’s strategic intent When Jet Blue’s was founded, David Nelleman wanted air travel to compassionate and fun. The strategic intent was to offer customers a low discount airline carrier with the comforts of home. As the first airline to offer electronic ticketing, Jet Blue wanted to delay its flights instead of canceling them. Agents were allowed to work from home and customers enjoyed gourmet sna cks, coffees, in-seat televisions with satellite radio and movie channels. Jet Blue began to look into increasing the shareholder and customer values with the expansion of New York’s JFK Airport with 8 am and 9 am flights. This was hopeful to Jet Blue executives; they wanted to appeal to younger customers, affluent New Yorkers, and those traveling to New York City. Opening up this new terminal has saved $50 million in labor, fuel, and vouchers. Now, the company serves more than 53 destinations (Thompson et al., 2010). JetBlue’s financial objectives & success in achieving Although Jet Blue’s stock dropped by 50% in the five years, revenues grew 185% between 2003 and 2007, their operating expenses grew 222% during the same period. The loss in revenue was blamed on the cost of fuel (532% increase) and interest expense (658% increase). Jet Blue decided to take a conservative financial strategy in which they maintained high liquid ratios relative to the other major a irlines (Thompson et al., 2010). Jet Blue was millions behind the competitor but developed new equity capital and credit, which was needed to keep the company, and allow them to maintain strong liquidity. Assessment of competitive advantage Cost. JetBlue operates at a lower cost than its competitors. According to Thompson, Strickland & Gamble (2010), JetBlue’s total operating expenses were 12.17 per revenue passenger mile in 2008 versus $18.18 for American Airline, $18.18 for Continental, $20.95 for Delta, $13.85 for Southwest, $19.13 for United, and $21.45 for US Airways. Its planes, such as, the Airbus A320, tended to be newer than those of its competitors resulting in lower maintenance costs and no maintenance-related fines. The company increased flying time by minimizing turnaround time. Reservation agents worked at home resulting in cost savings as compared to a traditional call center. These measures paid off creating a major competitive advantages in the form of low op erating costs that other airlines did not achieve. Organizational culture. JetBlue’s organizational structure was created based on five steps. First, the company’s values were determined. Then, hiring managers selected employees who mirrored the company’s values. Next, the company ensured that the company exceeded employee expectations and to listen to customers. And, finally, the company created a plan to drive excellence. The values established by JetBlue were safety, caring, integrity, fun, and passion. As an example, George Forman grills were set up at the JFK terminal to allow employees to have fun. By only hiring employees that mirrored those values, the company could encourage hiring managers to be creative during the hiring process and to weed out those that would not be a fit. By making these steps an active part of getting work done, JetBlue developed a strong organizational culture.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Nelson Mandela Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Nelson Mandela - Essay Example This essay would further revolve around these contributions done by Nelson Mandela (Guiloineau 2002) In 1961 a letter from Nelson Mandela stated â€Å"I will continue fighting for freedom until the end of my days†(Mandela 1990). This clearly showed that Nelson Mandela believed in freedom from his early life. He received a life imprisonment for the Rivonia trial in 1964 and was released in 1990. His contribution to his native country can be related back to his early life when he received education in times when most of the people in South Africa were uneducated. It was there in his college that he learned much about the political problems that South Africa was facing in those times. He then joined Congress and formed the Youth league along with his acquaintainces in 1944. The injustices against the black were increasing in South Africa as witnessed by Mandela in those times as the Whites were gaining more access to the country afterWorld War II. All these conditions made Mandela persuade the committee he formed to go on strikes and civil disobediences against the government for the betterment of the blacks. His struggles then continued which bore some fruit in those times but he was arrested in 1962 after he was found by police (Mandela 1990; Boehmer 2008). Mandela was detained for twenty seven years in prison and is known to be one of the longest imprisoned freedom activist in the history of the world. After his release from jail one could clearly see his growing influence on the people of South Africa when thousands of people came to greet him outside the jail. After being released from the jail he started his freedom movement again for the blacks of South Africa. He was the made the president of African National Congress again in 1991. It was after the death of a member of ANC that presidential elections were held again.The African National Congress won the presidential elections and Mandela was
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