Friday, May 22, 2020
Ways to De-Stress in College
Knowing how to destress can make all the difference between a crazed college experience and one you feel you have control over. Sometimes, however, knowing that you need to destress can be different than actually knowing how to destress. Check out this list of tipsâ€â€theres sure to be one (or more) for nearly everyone! Relaxing Ways to Destress Breathe deeply. It only takes a few minutes, but it can really help you achieve more positive mental health. Focus on inhaling and exhaling while trying to let all the stress in your brain slowly melt away.Put your headphones in and listen to some music. Closing your eyes and relaxing while listening to some music can do wonders for your brain. Tuning out the world for even just five minutes can be a great way to lower your stress and increase your mental clarity.Daydream about your life after graduation. College can be overwhelming because there is so much to do all of the time. Let yourself daydream for a few minutes about what your dream life will be like after graduation. Dont worry about how youll make everything happen; just imagine the best possible scenario and the goals youre working so hard to achieve.Look through your personal pics online. You can check out things youve posted on Facebook or elsewhere. Looking through your personal pics can warm your heart a nd cool your stress.Look through the pics you have on your phone. Most people take a ton of pictures with their cell phoneâ€â€and then forget all thats on there. Take a quick trip down memory lane while also giving yourself a break and a few minutes to relax.Read motivational quotations about college and education. Sometimes, college life can simply seemâ€â€if not beâ€â€overwhelming. Give yourself some perspective by reading over some motivational quotations about college that can help remind you why you work so hard in the first place.Come up with a list of 10 things youve accomplished today/this week. Sometimes people can get so focused on what they have left to do that theyve forgotten all the things theyve already done. Lower your stress by writing down at least 10 things youve accomplished today or this week. You just might surprise yourself!Take a quick shower. Most of the time you shower to get clean. Today, however, take a shower to just relax y ourself. Let the hot water massage your shoulders and try to imagine your stress being rinsed off and going down the drain, too.Take a quick bath. If youre lucky enough to live in a place that has bathtubs, a quick bath can be a magical escape. Squirt some soap (or even shampoo) in for some bubbles and pretend youre somewhere far, far away.Wash your face. If you dont have time for a bath or a shower, a quick face-wash can help wake you up, making you feel refreshed, and relax youâ€â€even if its just for a minute or two. If you dont have your soap handy, a quick splash of water will do.Give yourself a mani/pedi. You dont have to escape to a nail salon to feel fancy. Grab some polish and give yourself a visual pick-me-up as a way to destress and focus on something fun and funky for a few minutes.Address the thing that is stressing you out the most. Chances are, amidst all your stressors, theres at least one or two things that really stand out. Do at least one thing to address the biggest stress factor(s) in your lifeâ€â€even if its deciding not to worry about it until tomorrow. Active Ways to Destress Do some stretching. You dont have to be a yoga teacher to know how to stretch. Whether youre in the library, the quad, or your room, a few minutes of slow, deep stretching can improve your mood immensely.Do some yoga specifically catered to stress reduction. Of course, if you do love yoga, you know how helpful some good stretching and breathing can be for your health. Take what youve learned in a yoga class and apply it at a time you need it most.Go for a walk. It doesnt matter where you goâ€â€in fact, an aimless walk might be better than one with tasks assigned to it. Remove yourself from a stressful situation and enjoy a few minutes out and about.Go for a quick run. Grab your shoes, throw on some running clothes, and get your stress out while hitting the pavement (or track or treadmill). A quick, high-intensity run can lower your stress and increase your energy for hours afterward.Go for a bike ride. Who says you can only use your bike to get to and from class ? Go for a quick ride thats more fun than functional.Ride a skateboard. If youre able to ride a skateboard on (or near) campus, this pastime can be a great break from your regular, stressful college routine.Clean up your desk. Alright, it sounds lame, but wouldnt it be nice to start your homework with a nice, clean, organized desk? A clear space leads to a clear mind and cleaning up your desk can do wonders for your productivity.Clean up your room. Even people who like clean rooms often dont like actually cleaning them. Set a timer for five minutes and see how much you can get done in that time. Youll get yourself moving, get your things organized, and get your head away from the source of your stress for at least a few minutes.Clean out your backpack. Boring? Maybe. Well, actually ... totally boring. But doing something completely mindless that will result in feeling productive can be a great way to focus on something other than your stress.Do some laundry. You ma y not want to do it, but think of the benefits: Youll get yourself out of your current, stress-inducing project, youll get yourself moving, youll get a mental break from your more stressful tasks, and youll finally get some clean clothes.Dance. For some, dancing can be a great escape from the stressors of everyday life. Dance to your hearts content for a few minutes before returning to your regularly scheduled tasks.Go for a walk and buy a cup of tea. Sure, you may have some tea in your room, but sometimes the extra little splurge can be worth it. Youll get moving while also getting a break.Go for a walk and buy a cup of coffee. If its looking like itll be a long night, go walk to the campus coffee shop and splurge on a cup o joe. Youll get your blood pumping while also getting a little caffeine in your system.Go for a walk and buy a healthy snack. Sure, those french fries look delicious, but opting for a piece of fruit and some whole wheat toast from the dining hall wil l make you feel better, both physically and mentally.Go for a walk and treat yourself to, well, a treat. Alright, lets be honest here: Sometimes you just need a candy bar. Take the long way to the vending machines before selecting a special treat to pick you up and lower your stress, even if its just for a little while. Social Ways to Destress Call a friend and catch up for a few minutes. Checking in with someone you hold near and dear can be great for your heart. Get the latest from your friend while also sneaking in a nice mental break, too.Send a friend an email. Chances are that theres at least one friend you need to catch up with, but you may not have time right now for a phone call. Send a quick email letting them know the latest and greatest in your life. And if youre lucky, the next time you need a break, there will be an email from them, too!Send your parents an email. Face itâ€â€you dont talk to your parents enough while youre away at school and theyd like you to keep in touch more. If a phone call isnt going to work for you right now, zip them a quick email about whats going on with you.Send your sibling(s) an email. Many students get so caught up in their lives in college that they forget to check in with their siblings. Take a moment or two to send along an update to your brother(s) and/or s ister(s)â€â€you might be surprised at how much better doing so makes you feel.Go hang out with other folks for a few minutes. Even if youre on a tight deadline and feel like you cant spare a few minutes, guess what? You can. Spending a few minutes de-stressing with friends can help your productivity during the rest of the night.Find some friends and have everyone give everyone else a quick massage. The power of a 3-minute neck and shoulder rub should never, ever be underestimated. Grab several folks, line up, and have everyone rub each others shoulders for a few minutes.Kiss your significant other. The power of human touch can always help you destress. Grab your honey and enjoy a few minutes of lip-locking before getting back to what you have to do.Look at the events happening on campus this weekend. If youre feeling overwhelmed with what you have to do between now and the weekend, looking at what options await you at the end of the tunnel can be a great way to destr ess. Check out an events calendar online or go for a quick walk and actually take the time to read the posters and flyers everyone puts up all over the place.Make fun plans for the weekend. If taking a break from campus is what your brain needs, make some fun plans for the weekend. Check out a local city guide or call a friend to see what the scoop is. Fun Ways to Destress Watch your favorite scene from your favorite movie on YouTube, Hulu, etc. Even if you dont own your favorite movie, chances are you can find it online somewhere. Treat yourself to some old-fashioned escapism and tune out for a few minutes.Search for funny clips on YouTube. Things go viral so quickly that theres always new stuff to watch. Put yourself on a time limit and watch ridiculous things to your hearts content.Create a new Pandora channel. If you really need to work, incorporate ways to destress into your process. Create a new Pandora channel that will energize and refocus you as you work.Treat yourself to some new songs on iTunes. Buying a few songs for a few bucks can perk you up, give you something fun to look forward to, and let you feel happy instead of stressedâ€â€both during and after your purchase.Play around on Facebook. Of course, the key here is only to do so for a few minutes. Losing 30 minutes when youre stressed can sometimes add more fuel to the fire. But spending a few minutes poking around can be a great break for your brain.Play around on Twitter. Even if youre new to Twitter, seeing what the buzz is at any point in time can be a fun diversion.Play around on Flickr. If youre a visual person, looking at cool pictures of things that make you happy can be a nice uplift for your heartâ€â€and a nice decrease for your blood pressure.Play around on StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon can be enjoyable because it takes you to new sites you may never have heard of but that other users, with interests similar to yours, have recommended. Its a great way to surf the web and find new sites without getting lost in a ton of junk.Read the national news headlines. Reading the national news can be a great break for your mind while also helping to keep you informed of current events. If youre really lucky, the headlines you read today can be used during a class conversation tomorrow.Read the news headlines in your local town. You may be so busy living your college life that you dont know what current events are in your new local town. Find out a little more about your home-away-from-home by checking out the local paper online.Read news headlines from your hometown. What better way to get out of your little stress bubble at school than to learn about the happenings back in your hometown? Even the ads for local restaurants you havent thought about for months might cheer you up a bit.Play around on a gossip website for a few minutes (like People). Catching up on the latest celebrity news can be entertaining and provide a fun few minutes of escape.Catch up on the latest sports news. Most students spend so much time reading homework in college that skimming the latest from the sports world isnt really an option. Check out whats happening with your favorite team, favorite sport, or favorite athlete for a few minutes.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Social Inclusion And Exclusion From The Australian...
INTRODUCTION This essay will analyse the contested concepts of social inclusion and exclusion in education. While there are numerous social groups whom experience the impact of educational inclusion and exclusion the essay will particularly focus on what these concepts entail for indigenous students within the Australian schooling system. The essay will examine the multifaceted nature of social inclusion and exclusion in education by utilising the contested grounds, which substantiate debate surrounding these concepts. Relying on a number of academic literature and evidence to explore discourse surrounding how policy which governs institutions, pedagogy and curriculum, has constituted social inclusion and exclusion within Indigenous contexts. As well as how intergenerational experiences and issues have disadvantaged the outcomes of Indigenous students in engaging in a ‘Eurocentric’ education environment. Concluding the essay will discuss practical suggestions, which would in theory enhance the effectiveness of the current education policy and teacher practice towards including indigenous cultures and learners within the classroom. Considering mechanisms to increase the potential to include and engage a broader scope of indigenous learners across the board. PARAGRAPH ONE Over time various definitions of social exclusion and inclusion have arisen in the lenses of sociological and policy derived viewpoints. These definitions have been translated throughout time toShow MoreRelatedThe View Of Best Practice For Educating And Caring For People With Disability2561 Words  | 11 Pagespeople with disability has changed to one of inclusion in all aspects of life in society. In Australia, there was some resistance initially, fear and misunderstanding guided the decision making processes which meant those with disability were kept apart longer than in some other countries (Heward, 2009). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Contrasting Treadwell and McCandless Free Essays
Compare and Contrast of Treadwell and McCandless When reading Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer as it documents the Journey Chris McCandless took and watching the movie The Grizzly Man as it documents Timothy Treadwell’s journey to document bears I was struck by how similar the two men, McCandless and Treadwell, really were. Yes, there were a great many differences between the two but also by how similar they were. While both men showed how they hated modern society and felt a strong desire to live outside of our society, they both also had very different takes on Alaskan wilderness and how to survive in their Journeys. We will write a custom essay sample on Contrasting Treadwell and McCandless or any similar topic only for you Order Now Just as both loved the outdoors, however, the two had very different practices concerning it. Treadwell would return to society every summer to work and prepare for his next outing and Treadwell refused to take a gun with him. In contrast, McCandless spent all of his time outdoors and away from human society unless he absolutely needed to and carried a gun with him into the wilderness. Treadwell and McCandless both felt very constrained by human society and preffered to live out in the wilderness if possible. While Treadwell would return to human society for work and to raise money or his next outing or teach others about what he learned of the bears, McCandless tried to spend as much time as he possibly could away from other humans. In Chapter five of Into the Wild it was documented that McCandless had spent at least thirty-six days without seeing another human at one point and throughout the first six chapters it is documented that the most time he ever spent in one place was two months in order to raise money to go to Alaska. Furthermore, McCandless did his best to keep people distant from him by changing his name and giving false nformation. McCandless did his best to not tell anyone where he was going, cut off all ties with his parents, and took no one with him when he went to Alaska. Comparing this to Treadwell, who told people where he was going, how long he was staying, and at a certain point started to take his girlfriend and it shows a great difference between the two men. Treadwell was a peaceful man, if unhinged due to mental disorders he refused to treat. He loved the animals he documented in his time in the wilderness, expecially the bears, and swore to never hurt them. Due to his, Treadwell never took a gun, pepper spray, or even bear repellent with him during his ten years of going to the Maze. Though essentric, Treadwell was actually rather smart in keeping the animals calm as he interacted with them. McCandless, though he displayed no real inclinations towards violence, was aware of the dangers in the wilderness. He knew the dangers of bears and wild animals and had taken a gun with him, a . 22, in order to hunt and possibly for protection even if he knew it would not actually be effective against large animals such as moose, caribou, or bears. The two men had very different views of the animals in the wilderness as is shown by this. Treadwell loved them to the point he would rather risk death then harm them while McCandless saw the dangers and prepared for them. The two men also greatly differed in how they prepared for their trips. Treadwell was well prepared with pleanty of provisions and the nessisary gear. This became more prevalent during his final years due to him having his girlfriend with him as he Alaskan wilds brought on by Jack London’s books, among others, resulted in him being woefully unprepared. When entering the Alaskan wiled the first day, McCandless only had some spare clothes, some books, a few pounds of rice, and his gun. The two men died in the Alaskan wilds due, mostly in part, to their recklessness and over-estimation on how much they could handle. Treadwell stayed longer than he should have and this resulted in both he and his girlfriend tragically dying at the jaws of a starving grizzly. Had they left as planned instead of returning to the wilds due a mishap the two would have survived. McCandless went into the wilds and did surprisingly well for himself due to sheer dumb luck that eventually ran out. His choice to go unprepared and believing he could live off the land proved fatal when he was unable to get enough food and he slowly starved to death Just days before hunters arrived at the shelter that became his temporary grave. The two men showed a remarkable love for the wilderness and strove to change their lives for the better and live amongst the romanticized versions of what is actually a harsh reality. Despite both men dying in the wilderness, personal opinion leads me to believe that McCandless was more successful in his ultimate goal to change his life. Treadwell ad wanted to raise awareness of the bear’s plight and protect them but had more than likely severely damaged the bears by habituating them to humans that could lead to more fatalities. McCandless had wanted to change his life, find a purpose. He wanted to leave society behind and see if he could truly live away from it. While he ultimately died in Alaska his entire trip before the event, traveling cross country, and even to Mexico, had changed his life and views. Prior to his final days in Alaska it was shown that McCandless had achieved what he had set out to get, his own happiness. How to cite Contrasting Treadwell and McCandless, Papers
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