Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Understanding the Scientific Field of Social Psychology Essay
Social psychology is a study which seeks to study and understand social behavior. It tells us more about the group behavior, how we interact and how it impacts our decision. According to scientist Gordon Alliport, Social psychology is a discipline that uses scientific method to understand and explain how the thought, feeling and behavior of individuals are influenced by the actual, implied or imagined presence of other human beings. Social psychology is not limited to any social topics but looks at a wide range of social topics such as group behavior, social perception, leadership, non verbal behavior, conformity, aggression and prejudice. In short social psychology aims at understanding each and every aspect of the social behavior of the†¦show more content†¦Very few people have the will power or the determination to preserve their originality even in changing social environments. Among the various factors that affect human behavior, culture and society are the 2 main factors. The society is composed of a full range of learned behavioral patterns. These patterns have great influence on an individual as it shapes their personality from the day they are born. Let us take an example of situation. Mr. X is a fresher in Orlando Institute of Technology and he is very happy to have earned a seat in one of the most reputed institutes of Michigan. Mr. X is a very good student but his problem is that he has a very weak moral character. During his college years he was not exposed to any kinds of bad habits hence his behavior wasn’t affected much but suddenly he enters into an environment where he is exposed to students who have acquired all kinds of bad habits such as smoking and drinking. From day 1 he sees students doing all the things he hadn’t seen before, this has a very deep impact in his thinking and his behavior. His parents witness a sudden behavio ral change in him and are astonished to see their little boy smoking tobacco in the local pub. These kinds of situations are quite normal in the society. Generally youngsters are highly vulnerable to all kinds of sudden and astonishing behavioral changes. This is seen inShow MoreRelatedIndustrial and Organizational Psychology Essay1154 Words  | 5 Pages than their European counter parts (King, 2013). Industrial Organizational Psychology (I/O psychology) applies the science of psychology to work and the workplace (King, 2013) to enhance worker efficiency and productivity. Researchers in the field of I/O psychology looked to find a broad range of topics related to the work environment including; job placement, influences of attitudes on job performance, understanding the ways people work in groups (King, 2013). These topics are also the subjectRead More Psychology Religion: The Spirtual Side to Counseling Essay1104 Words  | 5 Pages Abstract: In today’s society the field of psychology and the study of religion have hardly ever set will with one another. 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